Since Richard said in his recent live show that PulseChain will be launched soon, we made this video for you.
We know that many of you are new, and probably missed the sacrifice phase of PulseChain as well as PulseX. But we have some good news that can help you position yourself before the launch of PulseChain.
So, as usual, watch this video to the end to find out how best to prepare for the launch of PulseChain... we will add the Richard Heart clip at the end and add the timestamp so you can find your way around the video.
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Let's get started!
We've been waiting for the launch of PulseChain for several months. And in that long wait, we've had some important news that improves the PulseChain ecosystem. In particular, the PulseX Sacrifice which we didn't expect to happen this year. So, this sacrifice phase that ended was a very important element because it gave us hope for the launch of PulseChain. 
During and after the PulseX sacrifice, we have heard of multiple other projects that have started to launch, as well as sacrifice phases that have been launched such as Liquid Loans, the Mintra sacrifice and many other projects among which, an NFT platform whose sacrifice phase is taking place at the moment.
Investing in PulseX is not advisable for anyone who has not read up on this highly technical project. Even if PulseChain has a few grey areas, notably on its future performance or its usefulness, it is important to know that the project excites a large number of fans from the beginning, known as Hexicans. They invested early on in HEX, an Ethereum-based token that promised a 40x return on staking, and it's certainly made some people very rich, but we don't know how many have bitten the dust on that investment.
So, since PulseChain was announced, there have been many more updates to make sure it launches at its best.
Now, for those who didn't take part in the sacrifice phase of either PulseChain or PulseX, you can still catch up with the method we're going to share. Well, there is only one thing you can do to prepare for the launch of PulseChain. It seems imminent at the moment; it has a hit by HEX. The idea of PulseChain was built around the HEX ecosystem, around Hexicans and the need for HEX to have cheaper gas charges in terms of long-term staking and all that, PulseChain was created for Hexicans. So, the idea is that when PulseChain is operational, it will be the first kind of currency that... reaches parity. It's the first currency that will have the most liquidity. And that's why we're pretty sure when we ask you to buy HEX. It's the best thing you can do to prepare for the launch of PulseChain.
So, don't hesitate.
You need to prepare for the launch of PulseChain because you need to consider the possibility that HEX could reach parity in a third of a second, minute, hour. It could be certain entities that hold a fortune in HEX. They will have a copy that could provide liquidity on PulseX, which would make Ethereum/HEX and PulseChain/HEX reach parity almost instantly. This is speculation. There's no way to know, but it would be an available option. So, when you think about it that way, there's going to be very little chance for you to find cheap HEX on PulseChain. And that's why people sell if that's what people think, and that's why they start selling Ethereum/HEX with the idea of picking up cheap PulseChain/HEX on the other side.
And we have no idea how likely that is, and that could be a lesson in play that may not work in the long run, but time will tell. But these will likely reach parity extremely quickly if some people choose to choose these two over each other through liquidity.
And then simply. You don't want to sit back and watch the huge gains that people will make on PulseChain.
You have to take advantage of the fact that the market is down now and buy as many chips as possible and just wait for PulseChain to launch. Of course, this is not investment advice and we are not advisors. Please do your research before making such a decision.
Because, the price of HEX could fall further, and we don't know when PulseChain will be launched. So, there is no guarantee of that.
So, let's recap:
The only real opportunity you have left now to position yourself on PulseChain is to buy HEX. If you've just heard about PulseChain and how incredible it is, the whole nature of PulseChain, the pomposity and the mindset surrounding PulseChain, it's unfortunate that you've missed out on these two massive opportunities that are the sacrifice of PulseChain and the sacrifice of PulseX. But what you can do now is start building your portfolio with Hex and position yourself for PulseChain, because it's the only real game left.
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