Wondering how to find out what the next 100x chips are that are yet to be released? Well, we've done some research and in today's video, we share it with you.
Some of these projects are currently being launched, so it's a good time to get in. Do you know how important it is to buy tokens when they are undervalued?
All these projects have huge potential for success, and can easily bring you 100X, 1000X in a few months.
So, as usual, watch this video to the end, so you don't miss any details.
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Let's get started!
#4. PulseChain
So, let's start with the one most of you know.
What is PulseChain?
Over the past few months, the hype for crypto-currencies has become very evident. With several cryptos hitting their all-time highs, the crypto community has exploded in a way it never did before.
Many effective DApps have been introduced on Ethereum, but the popularity of the network has made it expensive to use and slow. In 2021, gasoline charges the rate of validation of offers periodically reached hundreds of dollars.
This has allowed developers to understand the potential of new Layer 1 chains, such as Solana, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon, which host their DApps. Some of these chains are not compatible with Ethereum and require bridging options to interact. Others, like Polygon, work with Ethereum.
For users, the most obvious benefit of using an EVM-enabled chain is that you can toggle an ERC-20 token on that DEX, or purchase a project token from your chain on an Ethereum DEX-like Uniswap.
When building a Layer 1 chain, designers can in theory copy the entire Ethereum code, create a radically different procedure, or, as with BSC, make some improvements.
In crypto-speak, a "fork" of a blockchain means an improved version, with developers making changes to the protocol and its rules. When Ethereum makes upgrades. the London upgrade is also called forks.
According to creator Richard Heart, PulseChain will be a fork of Ethereum. The extent of the changes is not yet understood and no code has been released to the general public.
But what we do know is that the throughput per transaction compared to Ethereum will be quadrupled, and it will run on Proof of Participation and will be deflationary.
In addition, all of Ethereum's important DApps will also be forked. In other words, the goal is to copy Ethereum and have an integrated ecosystem from the start.
As the second-largest project in the crypto-currency world, Ethereum's only major criticism has been its abnormally high gas fees that have divided people into looking for more affordable options. That's where the newest ETH fork, PulseChain, comes in. Richard Heart, the founder of PulseChain, assures that it contains all the features that Ethereum offers but with relatively lower fees.
In an exclusive interview with Richard Heart, the founder of Hex explained how crypto-currencies are the most valued assets in human history. More importantly, he detailed the PulseChain project, which aims to overcome the Ethereum blockchain's high gas fees.
Richard Heart said that PulseChain’s goal is not to take on Ethereum, but to reduce the problem on the network.
Forking Ethereum, the task will also copy the state of the chain. Each wallet will receive a match of its ERC-20 tokens on PulseChain. To put it simply, this will be a huge airdrop.
For example, if you have 10 eHEX, you will get 10 additional pHEX on PulseChain.
However, there is no way to price the same token on both Ethereum and PulseChain tokens, which means they can be worthless or more expensive.
PulseChain is a non-contentious fork of Ethereum. The signatures are different from the original chain, which prohibits replay attacks and secures the network bidirectionally. In addition, Heart believes that PulseChain will increase the value of ETH.
Richard Heart believes that the only reason companies can't respect the brand is because of their hideousness. The founder revealed that his company has completed a total of three audits, two of which were security audits and one was an economic audit. Richard Heart identifies that the main problem with forks is that the original innovator often gets no credit. However, PulseChain users are free to copy Defi protocols like UniSwap or create an empty Ethereum fork. Original UNI holders will be rewarded because if they hold UNI, they will automatically receive a copy on PulseChain. By doing so, the fork would not be a simple copy and the original owner of the protocol would not be deprived of the credits.
For the moment, PulseChain has not been launched yet, and the launch date is not known yet, but it will be soon because the process has advanced a lot and we are now in a beta phase which consists in checking if the network works without problems. And so far, everything is working fine. So, we think it's a good sign for the launch. So, get your wallets ready guys, and get ready to welcome crypto-like no other.
We can't talk about PulseChain without talking about PulseX so let's move on to the second yet-to-be-launched crypto project that will make us millions of dollars.   But first, we invite you to like this video and share it if you haven't already done so.
Let's keep going.
#3. PulseX
So, PulseX is our second crypto project.
But then, what is PulseX?
Those who have been following us since then know what it is, but it is important to make some precisions.
So, just like the Ethereum community will be copied on PulseChain, PulseX will be the fork of Uniswap.
It is supposed to be the main DEX of the PulseChain community. For reference, PancakeSwap is also a fork of Uniswap and has achieved this comparable function on Binance Smart Chain.
DEXs like SushiSwap and Uniswap have their governance tokens SUSHI and UNI, respectively that grant voting rights to the holders. PLSX will be the token of PulseX, and self-sacrificing individuals have earned a variety of points based on the size and timing of their contribution. These points represent an amount of PLSX to be dropped into their wallets when the exchange launches.
You guessed it. PulseX is the PulseChain exchange.
PulseX allows you to exchange PRC20 tokens on PulseChain for each other. For example, you can exchange the native PLS token on PulseChain for the PLSX token on PulseX. This works like Uniswap on Ethereum. Bridges also allow people to exchange currencies from other chains on PulseX.
PLS, the native cryptocurrency of PulseChain will be airdropped to those who have compromised for this work.
The world's largest yield farm
Every time people trade from one coin to another on PulseX liquidity providers, they earn fees as a reward. Users can link their free ERC20s and pair them with free PRC20s to provide liquidity and earn fees. This also supports the value of their free PRC20s.
To enhance the success of PulseX, another token will exist to further incentivize liquidity providers beyond the fees they already charge. When they become liquidity providers, they will receive LP tokens that they can deposit into a yield farm. This token is issued with decreasing inflation over time. A DAO chooses which trading pairs receive this incentive and at what rates. Only addresses with PLSX balances can vote in the DAO.
The price of PLSX and PLS will start at $0 and subsequent rate targets are anyone's guess.
But, concretely, what is the objective of PulseX?
Well, PulseX is a Uniswap fork with the incentive of liquidity provider PLSX. Its goal is to provide PulseChain users with the best possible trading experience and return farm by focusing on incentivizing ERC20 holders to reconcile and safeguard the value of their free PRC20s.
PulseX will have a 0.29% fee that users will pay on each trade. 76% of all trading fees could be distributed to liquidity providers. 21% could be used to buy and burn PLSX, reducing its supply over time. 0.01% of the value of exchange goes to an address you should have no expectations of.
PulseX's initial liquidity comes from a bot called the AMM ratio fixer bot. It harvests about 99.9% of the liquidity from many Uniswap, Suishiswap, and other popular exchanges at launch then recreate those pairs on PulseX and add the liquidity it harvested with new PLS to make PulseX the most liquid exchange on PulseChain. Because users want the best deals for their trades, they tend to go where the liquidity is the greatest. This creates volume. Since liquidity providers make profits on volume, they are likely to deposit on the exchange with the most volume. It is difficult for new competitors to overcome the critical mass of so much liquidity in one place.
It's good to have all the liquidity in one place.
Centralized liquidity also means the best deals for users because it results in low slippage. This means that the price moves against them less when they trade. It also means fewer arbitrage bots get rich by equalizing prices across different liquidity sources. This is more efficient.
Like PulseChain, PulseX hasn't been launched yet and it won't belong. But one thing is for sure, when it is launched, it will make a lot of multi-millionaires. So, don't wait! Go to our channel to find dozens of videos we made about it that will show you how not to miss the race to fortune.
Now let's move on to our third crypto project.
#2. Polypad
PolyPad is Polygon's first decentralized IDO and incubation platform that aims to give projects a fundraising capability while developing loyal users, at the same time, allowing retail investors and potential users to access early investment offers.
With a unique mechanism, PolyPad's business model is designed to benefit all loyal related parties and achieve its long-term goal. By holding an MPAD deflationary membership token, investors can access early investment transactions, safe and transparent IDOs, and our token allocation guarantee, which no other platform on Polygon has ever done before.
In addition, PolyPad offers a professional incubator that can ensure that the project raises cash and seeds loyal communities.
PolyPad commits to provide all in one solution to solve token apportion and liquidity upheaval problems for cryptocurrency projects.
With a unique mechanism, PolyPad's economic model is designed to benefit all loyal related parties and achieve its long-term goal. By holding MPAD deflationary membership tokens, investors can access early investment deals, Safe and transparent IDO as well as our guarantee for token allocation, the thing that no other platform on Polygon has ever done before.
MPAD also serves as a governance token of the platform, to participate in governance activities for a predetermined set of parameters such as the holding amounts and duration for each round.
We made a video on Polypad in which we developed the project in detail and then we gave the easiest way to get money through Polypad.
We invite you to watch it.
But now let's go to our fourth project.
#1. ApeCoin tokens
ApeCoin is an ERC-20 governance token developed and issued by the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) ApeCoin.
The Bored Ape Yacht Club also called by their acronym BAYC just launched its token...
It's a very long story that we have with this NFT.
With this project, BAYC and MAYC NFT holders will be able to claim free of charge on the ApeCoin website.
Their number is limited to 10,000 copies.
The goal of ApeCoin is clear: to become the cryptocurrency that will support the entire architecture of the ecosystem that is developing. At least that's what the project teams have explained
The BAYC project is the most valued project of all the NFTs that exist.
and above all, to become the cryptocurrency that will support the entire ecosystem architecture and strengthen the community at the forefront of the web3.
Thus, holders among them, many stars have requirements. The ApeCoin token has then a beautiful horizon of development before him.
Thus, the ApeCoin could be used as a means of payment on the metaverse for example, or for other services closely or remotely related to NFT.
We have seen for some time now that NFTs are evolving towards another form than pure collectibles.
Since their creation, these NFT avatars have been a huge success on the internet. Their cumulative sales and resales have reached a billion dollars in less than a year of existence. As an example, the most expensive Bored Ape sold for 3.4 million dollars. Note that the value of Bored Apes avatars, like all NFTs, is purely speculative. Today, the total number of existing BAYC NFTs represents a market capitalization of $2.04 billion. Each token holder has the right to vote on the governance and use of the ecosystem fund.
NFTs that are not JPEGs are becoming full-fledged businesses over time.
And, in the case of Bored Ape Yatch Club, it must be said that success has fallen upon them. Today, they are thinking afterward about how to create products and services to preserve the level of their NFT.
Indeed, the BAYC holders have commercial rights for their NFT. Each holder can create merchandising for example and sell T-shirts with their NFT symbol without any problem.
For those who want to buy the ApeCoin token, you have to go to Binance or Coinbase, or Uniswap because it is an ERC-20 token.
In less than 24 hours, the volume on Binance reached $1,422,855,916 and increased by over 1000%.
After NFT, ApeCoin tokens will bring more money to founders.
Yuga Labs, the creator of the NFT project Bored Ape Yacht Club, has announced that BAYC is launching its cryptocurrency token called ApeCoin ($APE).
This new token will be able to be used for transactions on all BAYC products and services, including a game developed by nWay.
The decentralized autonomous organization ApeCoin DAO will operate the token. It is supported by a legal stewardship organization called the Ape Foundation, which itself is considered the parent company of the DAO.
In other words, Yuga Labs will not govern ApeCoin, which will operate separately from the company. However, the company will keep 9.75% of the tokens. The rest will be distributed among the contributors who participated in the launch of the project.
We have made a more detailed video of the project in which we give all the information you need to know about the token.
Don't hesitate to watch it for more information including how you can benefit from this project.
We hope you guys found this video tremendously valuable and especially entertaining. Be sure to check out our Crypto Brand called CRYPTOPRNR; get yourself the highest quality Crypto Merch available right now on the market, and make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any of our content. Till next time, Goodbye.