We are back with another video about Love.io.
In today's video, we're going to share some important updates on Love.io. You won't believe this guys. As usual, watch the video to the end so you don't miss anything.
Watch this video all the way through, so you don’t miss anything.
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Now, let's get started.
For those who haven't heard of Love.io yet, LOVE is a Cryptocurrency designed for censorship resistance, and worldwide adoption and made for the highest possible value appreciation. The value for any cryptocurrency is mainly in relation to the overall utility and size of the network. More users in a network equal a higher coin or token price due to a limited supply of the coin or token in the network. We refer to this in academics as "Metcalfe's law". It is therefore of great importance for value appreciation that the cryptocurrency is decentralized, has utility, and can scale across borders of networks, communities, and languages.
The cryptocurrency with the ticker symbol LOVE, and the name, has the perfect product-market fit in sending peer-to-peer monetary value when connecting, incentivizing, and micro tipping. Together, this creates a model of not only monetary transference but of "positive energy" and "LOVE." The name is universal and can be used by anyone, it is not linked to a company, brand, or political party. It is multilingual and works in any language in the world. As a cryptocurrency, LOVE has many functions that enhance its utility to grow the network.
The blockchain technology infrastructure for LOVE is built on PulseChain, the latest Ethereum fork with a Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm providing fast and cheap transactions. LOVE will be both an ERC-20 and PRC-20 token traded on both networks. The wallets used are standard wallets such as Metamask and also a dedicated wallet called Lovefy that will be available on Android and iOS. The wallet will include AMM (PulseX) for easy exchanges, transactions and will be tailored or incentivization, engagement, cross-promotion, partnerships, micropayments, referral commissions, and more, across multiple social media platforms.
In layman's terms, the Lovefy wallet will enable users to send LOVE as a monetary valuation in private messages, through LOVE QR codes on social media; this includes, but are not limited to, Instagram, Facebook, etc. or streaming services such as YouTube, and Twitch. LOVE can be earned, spent, staked, or saved in the wallet and other official cryptocurrency wallets. The Love.io protocol is utilizing the latest blockchain technology and creating an exchangeability across social media platforms and through the interchangeability into any world fiat currency via built-in AMM Swap functionality.
It's a strong project, and the best part is that it hasn't been launched yet. So, by participating in the ongoing sacrifice phase, you will be able to get the most out of it. Owning the crypto before it is listed on the exchanges is the best way to participate in a project. Sometimes the price during the presale or sacrifice phase is at least 10 times cheaper than the listing price. This makes sense because those who participate are the first to get the chips. Then, as more people join the network, the token increases in value. This is how the token ends up being worth 5X, 10X, or even 100X. One thing is for sure with the Love.io project, it is destined for success. Not only will it be built on the PulseChain network, but the token has many use cases. We'll get to that later in this video. So now, let's talk about the sacrifice phase that is underway.
Participation in the Sacrifice for LOVE is voluntary, participants can use BTC, ETH, HEX, USDT, and many more digital assets to sacrifice for LOVE. LOVE will be launched as an ERC-20 token during the sacrifice stage and every LOVE ERC-20 will be duplicated to LOVE PRC-20 when PulseChain mainnet is launched. This means you will have both LOVE tokens that can be used and traded on Ethereum and LOVE tokens that can be used and traded on PulseChain.
LOVE has 3-second block times on PulseChain and has very low transaction fees. Sitting on PulseChain means that the token is environmentally friendly.
LOVE aims to gain value through a rapid and worldwide network effect. According to Metcalfe’s law, the value of a crypto asset depends on the utility and size of the network. This is why Love aims at blitzscaling social networks through the incentives given to the influencers and users and especially by invoking love with each transaction a user makes.
The total offer is 500 billion LOVE ERC-20, and 70% of the total offer will be offered in the sacrifice phase. A limited supply is released in each sacrifice phase. The sacrifice will automatically end and move to the next stage if it is filled early. The sacrifice phase will not end until PulseChain's Mainnet launches. 
Now, there is a very interesting update on this project that we would like to share with you. So, hit the "Like" button and share this video if you haven't already.
The update we want to talk about is the sacrifice phase. As you can see here on the Love.io founder's Twitter, there is a guy who sacrificed 40,000,000 HEX, or about $1,787,494.42 at the time of the sacrifice. This is amazing. It shows how much people believe in this project and its potential. The most interesting thing here is that the entire PulseChain and HEX community is looking forward to the launch of this project. Since it will be launched on PulseChain, this is one of the most anticipated projects on PulseChain right now. In our opinion, if we were to rank cryptos in order of preference on PulseChain, Love.io would probably be in third place after PulseChain itself, and PulseX.
Most of the Love.io team are truly Hexicans and have also made sacrifices for PulseChain. And they are also long-time followers and admirers of Richard Heart. Love.io's founder, Anders has mentioned this several times in interviews.
And he also said that the reasons why they built Love.io on PulseChain are multiple. Technically, it will work the same as on Ethereum, but on Pulse, transactions will be much cheaper and faster. Love.io will also have a dedicated wallet, called Lovefy Wallet, which will include MSAs, like PulseX, mobile payment with Visa, Mastercard, etc. We mentioned this earlier.
Now, there is something very important that we would like to clarify.
There are and have been many "Love coins and tokens" created before. Everything from dating apps to loyalty programs. But it is not the contract name that gives a cryptocurrency its value. Anyone can e.g. make a contract today and call it Bitcoin with the symbol BTC. But that would not make it as valuable as the original Bitcoin. What makes a cryptocurrency valuable is the original contract address, the network, the community, and the ecosystem around it. We anticipate there will be a lot of "fake LOVE" out there in the future but without Love.io network effect or value. Eg, every time a new ERC-20 is made on Ethereum, there are always exact copies made by scammers. We would not be surprised and (actually rather disappointed...) if not several ERC-20 tokens have already been made with the token name Love.io and symbol LOVE. It is only the token contract address that matters that is published on Love.io which is very important to know for new cryptocurrency users.
Now, what do you say? Do you think this project can make you rich? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
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