Are you looking for a crypto that will make 10X or 100X in the next two years? Well, in this video, we are going to share with you 3 crypto projects that we believe will help you become a crypto millionaire.
Watch this video all the way through, because we're also going to share with you some important information about Bitcoin that you absolutely need to know.
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Now, let's get started.
Before sharing with you the coins to invest in right now if you would like to become a millionaire in crypto, let's first remind you a few things about the topic, by the way, there are several videos about it on our YouTube channel.
First of all, it is important to understand that exchanging crypto-currencies is done in a decentralized universe that works thanks to a system called cryptocurrency mining. This means that there is no need for trusted third parties (such as banks, PayPal, or governments) to validate contracts.
Exchanging cryptocurrencies is done in a "peer to peer" way, in other words, from one individual to another. These are the so-called "miners" who validate the transactions. The mining of crypto-currencies secures the network and earns money for the miners.
After making an initial deposit on the website of a broker that you have carefully chosen, the storage of your cryptos will be done on what is called a "wallet".
If you want to start trading cryptocurrencies and become a crypto trader, you will find a lot of useful information on this channel. We publish new educational videos every day. So, make sure you subscribe to this channel and turn on the notifications so you don't miss our upcoming videos. Also, don't hesitate to like and share this video if you haven't already. Now, let's move on to the 3 coins to invest in if you want to be a crypto millionaire.
#1: Seedify
The very first cryptocurrency is Seedify Fund.
Seedify Fund is a platform focused on GameFi (Gaming Finance). Still very much under-exploited, the sector promises opportunities for investors but also for developers. Seedify is trying to offer simplified access to this field. claims to be a "blockchain innovation ecosystem" with a "community seed fund, decentralized incubator, and launchpad."
It bridges the gap between a community-centric DAO and a seed fund/incubator to provide seed investments to projects that have been selected by democratic community votes.
There are reward mechanisms for those who participate and hold tokens, and SFUND can also be staked to receive tokens from projects that have been selected by the Seedify community.
Seedify will also be hosting surprise events to increase the visibility of S FUND, to native Ethereum users, as well as on the Ethereum network. With all these reasons , SEEDIFY is an excellent project if you are looking for a long-term investment.
Seedify helps launch NFT games with great returns.
NFT gaming is poised to reshape the entire video game industry as we know it, and if you want to be a part of this revolution (and the profits). there are many projects out there that may try to rip you off with shoddy games and NFTs, so doing your research is just as important here as it is with any other crypto-currency. That's why an incubator and startup company like Seedify can be so valuable in finding the right NFT game token and metaverse ecosystem to invest in.
Seedify curates all the games they IGO so you know you're investing in a quality project that's been well researched. This is probably the biggest advantage of this platform all around. Seedify also has partnerships with Elrond, Polygon, Altura NFT, Yield Guild, Phala Network, and many others. These partnerships offer advantages to the games they launch and the results of their previous IGOs speak for themselves.
If you like the look of the project and have done your own research, it may be a high-risk, high-reward asset worth looking into further.
#2: Coinweb
The next up is Coinweb.
Coinweb is a cross-chain computing platform that offers true interoperability for real-world use. The platform's unique approach is based on the InChain architecture, allowing dApps built on top of the platform to take full advantage of the benefits and operational flexibility of the blockchain.
The InChain architecture proves the state of a blockchain differently. This has huge implications for the Coinweb platform and dApps. With this new approach, it is possible to preserve the properties of the underlying chains and significantly increase the efficiency and usefulness of dApps.
Compared to blockchains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Quant Network, Polygon, Polka Dot, and many others, there are many advantages that Coinweb offers its users that most highly trusted blockchains do not. Notably, the data redundancy in the main chain is quite high. The calculated state may contain fewer resources, but it can be algorithmically reconstructed in case of data loss. The Coinweb platform plans to solve common blockchain problems by providing a strong and unique coupling of blockchains, indexing data with high security, providing uniform deployment across all blockchains, etc.
#3: Bitcoin
The last crypto that we believe can help you become a millionaire is Bitcoin.
Obviously, you are not learning anything and you suspected it but we have to be objective so if we talk about cryptocurrencies and digital assets portfolio, we can't talk about Bitcoin, and consequently, we can't have Bitcoin in our portfolio.
And this is finally regardless of its price. 50K, 60K, 100K, 150K, or 20K it doesn't matter. Bitcoin is the most incredible store of digital value in the world and its value will most certainly increase for two fundamental reasons:
First, its scarcity: Indeed, there will never be more than 21 million Bitcoins... Never. Unlike the euro or the dollar, which can be printed at full speed without anyone seeming to worry.
The second reason is its adoption: the more people who want Bitcoin, the higher its price will go. This is obvious in theory at least, but it's worth remembering because, behind the fantasies about the volatility around bitcoin, too many people still forget that this market is also based on the fundamentals of supply and demand.
At the time of this recording, Bitcoin is sitting around $21,000. It is considered digital gold and is therefore increasingly seen as a store of value: you should buy bitcoin and keep it in your crypto wallet.
Of course, we should not ignore the fact that we are currently in a bear market. Therefore, if you want to buy it, you need to apply a good strategy. We advise you to use the DCA which consists of investing the same amount every week or month over an extended period. This way, you will benefit from temporary price increases and be less affected by the bear market.
Although one country, El Salvador, has made it its national currency (proof that nothing is impossible!)
30 to 50% of your portfolio invested in crypto-currencies can be invested in Bitcoin. Why such a high proportion? Well, because it is certainly the crypto-currency that has the highest probability of success over time and the lowest probability of disappearing. Although the Bitcoin price is volatile, think of it as your cryptocurrency.
If you're interested in Bitcoin, you've probably heard of Litecoin. This crypto was created from the Bitcoin software with some technical modifications. It is considered digital money, as it is much less rare than Bitcoin: its quantity is limited to 84 million. Its purpose is to be used as a common currency thanks to its high speed and low fees.
For example, the video game company Atari has launched its "Atari Token" and uses mainly Litecoin in exchange for its tokens. The Miami Dolphins American soccer team has also adopted this crypto as its official currency.
Now, what do you think? Do you think these cryptos can help you become a millionaire? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.
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