Forget the hype, let's explore the real potential. Base is building a DeFi powerhouse, which has the next projects that could explode to give you those huge 100x returns.
Today, we will be breaking down the hidden gems poised to become DeFi's next big thing and we're here to show you the projects with the potential to supercharge your portfolio.
By the way, if you're interested in learning about DeFi and discovering innovative projects, you may want to check out our 'Mastering DeFi' course. It's designed to help you understand DeFi in a fun and easy way, with lessons that you can access immediately. Now let's get started!
First off, speaking of BASE. Base is a new blockchain launched by the cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase. Designed to be us er-friendly and scalable, Base aims to attract developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) on its platform.
We believe the critical next step to onboard the next billion users depends on blockchains’ ability to attract and retain users. To this point: Base, the Ethereum Layer 2, has emerged as a frontrunner with impressive growth this year.
Now looking at BASE, let's look at potential projects that could yield returns—starting with $AERO. Aerodrome Finance (AERO) is a fourth-generation decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. The platform combines an advanced Automated Market Maker (AMM) with liquidity-generating features,  providing traders with unique opportunities.
Aerodrome serves a vital role as the central liquidity hub for the BASE blockchain economy. This positioning and its features have enabled the protocol to secure more than 29 K users and a TVL (total value locked) of more than $172M.
AERO is the main utility token for the Aerodrome Finance economy. Users can pay fees, trade assets, and interact with liquidity an d farming pools using AERO. The ERC-20 token has a limited issuance of  500 million over the project's lifespan. Notably, 450 million were distributed as vote-locked tokens.
How does this project compare to similar projects in other ecosystems? (e.g., Uniswap vs Aerodrome) let me know what you all think.
Also, guys, the success of Aerodrome is tied to the growth of the Base network. As more users and projects migrate to Base, Aerodr ome benefits from increased trading activity and liquidity. Conversely, a robust DEX like Aerodrome makes Base a more attractive destination for DeFi development.
Its comprehensive suite of financial products and strong community support have contributed to its rapid growth. As the base ecosystem gains mo re traction, Aerodrome Finance is expected to benefit from increased adoption and usage, making it a top crypto to watch in 2024.
Second base project is $WELL. Moonwell operates as a lending and borrowing protocol built on Base, Moonbeam, and Moonriver blockchains. Moonwell leverages the Base blockchain for its functionalities. This means it benefits from the security, scalability, and user-friendliness that Base offers.
Moonwell's presence on Base can contribute to a more comprehensive DeFi experience for users. By offering lending and borrowin g options alongside services like Aerodrome's DEX functionalities, Base becomes a one-stop shop for various DeFi activities.
By attracting users to deposit their crypto assets, Moonwell can potentially increase the overall liquidity within the Base ecosystem. This can benefit other DeFi applications built on Base by facilitating smoother transactions.
Moonwell boasts a TVL that nearly matches those of AAVE and Compound on Base combined and has seen 4X user growth since the beginning of the year. Through the USDC Anywhere program, Moonwell can tap into  USDC stored on any chains supported by Circle, in addition to the USDC stored on Coinbase.
Overall, Moonwell DeFi serves as a valuable building block within the Base ecosystem,  providing essential lending and borrowing services to users.  By working together, Moonwell and other DeFi projects on Base can contribute to a thriving and interconnected DeFi environment.
The third BASE project on today's list is $GHST. Aavegotchi is an inventive amalgamation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized finance (DeFi),  taking the form of interactive digital collectibles.
Aavegotchi (GHST) is the governance token of the Aavegotchi NFT Gaming protocol. GHST token holders receive votin g power in the AavegotchiDAO, which oversees all aspects of the protocol, Aavegotchi’s flagship game the Gotchiverse, and Aavegotchi NFTs.
The Gotchiverse features a plethora of community-made mini-games, with official ones slated for release in the future As the platform evolves, players can expect a steady stream of new and engaging experiences.
Aavegotchi offers several interactive features for NFT owners to enjoy. Players can nurture their pixelated ghosts by petting them every 12 hours, feeding them with consumables, renaming them, and equipping them wit h wearables. For those of you who are NFT freaks, you might wanna check this out.
As the Aavegotchi community continues to flourish, players can expect further developments, mini-games, and enhancements to enrich their blockchain gaming journey.
The future of Aavegotchi's GHST token is a topic of keen interest for both players and observers within the play-to-earn and DeFi (decentralized finance) space. While predicting cryptocurrency prices with absolute certainty is impossible, analysts offer forecasts based on various factors.
According to current predictions, the price of Aavegotchi (GHST) in 2025 could land anywhere between $1.62 and $7.65. This range represents a significant potential for growth, with the upper limit indicating a staggering 373%  increase from its price today (as of June 10, 2024).
Up next we have $DEGEN. DEGEN has become a surprisingly significant player within the Base ecosystem, evolving from its memecoin origins. The Base ecosystem has welcomed DEGEN with open arms, integrating it into various projects a nd leveraging its growing influence. It's like the new kid who showed up and suddenly became the most popular student in school.
DEGEN could integrate into play-to-earn games built on Base. Players could use DEGEN to purchase in-game items, access premium feature s, or participate in exclusive events.  DEGEN could be used for staking or liquidity provision within DeFi platforms. This would allow users to earn rewards for contributing to the smooth functioning of these financial applications.
The potential use cases for DEGEN extend far beyond these initial examples. The creativity of the DEGEN community and the evolving landscape of the Base blockchain could lead to unforeseen applications. The specific functionalities of  DEGEN will ultimately depend on the community's roadmap and the direction they choose to take the project.
The early liquidity mining rewards were lavish and open to anyone, not just whales. And because $DEGEN is on Base, an L2 with cheap transactions and easy onboarding from Coinbase, lots of new people joined the LP game on Uniswap.
Whatever happens next, one thing is clear: other projects will study DEGEN's success and will try to copy pages from its unbelievable history. How do you think users can get involved with the Base ecosystem? Also, what are your predictions for the future of the Base ecosystem?
And finally guys, we have come to the last project which is $TOSHI. Toshi, named after the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, is more than just a meme coin within the Base ecosystem.
It's a cryptocurrency with aspirations to become a key player in the burgeoning DeFi (decentralized finance) world built on Coinbase's Layer-2 blockchain, Base. Let's delve deeper into Toshi and its role in the Base ec osystem.
Toshi aspires to become a cornerstone of DeFi on Base. Its developers envision features like lending, borrowing, and staking, allowing users to earn interest on their holdings. Toshi's team emphasizes community involvement. They've actively built a strong online community through social media channels and forums, fostering colla boration and driving project growth.
Despite its recent launch, Toshi has garnered significant user interest. The token boasts a healthy daily transaction volume and an active user bas e on the Base network. The Toshi team is actively forging partnerships with other DeFi projects building on Base. This fosters a collaborative environment and increases Toshi's utility within the ecosystem.
Toshi bridges the gap between Ethereum and Base, allowing users to easily transfer their tokens between the two networks. This accessibility could attract a wider user base.
We'd stop here for today on our exploration of promising projects within the Base ecosystem.
This space is brimming with innovation, and these are just a few of the exciting projects paving the way for a robust DeFi future on Base. What are some of the other promising projects building on the Base ecosystem? Let us know in the comments.
Remember, conducting your research is crucial before making any investment decisions. Stay tuned for future updates as we go deeper into the ever-expanding world of DeFi and the Base network! If you enjoyed this video, smash that subscribe, like, and share with your crew.
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